Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Outsourced vs. In-House SEO, Pros and Cons

With the advent and popularity of Internet Marketing growing by leaps and bounds, plainly having just a website for any business is not enough. User visibility and the capability to appear in search results when users look for related keywords is fundamental for every website. With numerous competitors and websites selling similar goods or services as one's business, it's only prudent that one has to get noticed and thereby able to bring more business.

Enter search engine optimization or SEO. Nowadays, large numbers of entities are adding SEO into their marketing plans of action. Which prompts another question. Is In-House SEO far better or should one outsource the SEO of a website to an agency? What are the pros and cons of each? Consider looking into both of these models and then the businesses could decide based on their needs.

In-House SEO Pros
1. In-house SEO experts would know one's business well and thereby will understand the intricacies of the client and its challenges.
2. Doing the job in-house gives one complete jurisdiction over the methods and their execution. The SEO consultant or expert can be contacted immediately for any changes since they are within the same location or office as the other members of the company.
3. Exclusively Works only on the client's website and not on any other. This means that full attention is given to one's project and can easily work on improving the SERP rankings of that website.
4. Sometimes in-house SEO is less expensive.

In-House SEO Cons
1. With SEO as a rapidly changing and diverse industry, the algorithms used in search engines also keep changing. One needs to frequently be on the lookout with the changes. SEO skills also keep evolving. Often this becomes a self-learning process: one might need to spend time and sometimes money to learn the new strategies of SEO, thereby keeping oneself updated with the changes.
2. With in-house SEO, keeping up to the trends within the industry is important, can be time consuming and increasingly expensive. One needs to pay attention to the overall strategy connected to one's website but may not find the time to be updated with any new SEO trends, often resulting in outdated SEO practices which could further affect their website's SERP ranking.
3. If one chooses to do their SEO In-House, then they need to buy certain tools required in SEO, which can in turn, be very expensive. And acquiring these tools is not enough; learning how to use them can further take up plenty of one's time.

Outsourced SEO Pros
1. Outsourcing one's SEO needs to an agency or SEO company can have a very big advantage --- acquiring the services and expertise of an entire team of SEO experts who will work on the website. With a team that only works on SEO projects, they are up to date with the latest upheavels in business and thereby one doesn't have to spend time or money in getting familiar with these trends. This team will conceptualize SEO plans of action for your business keeping these trends in mind.
2. SEO companies or agencies work with large numbers of clients. Experience-wise, they have the
advantage of working on different kinds of businesses thus understanding their needs better. This wide and varied outlook can be an enormous advantage in getting visibility on the web.
3. In outsourced SEO, one doesn't have to spend time, effort and money on hiring in-house SEO, training and tools.
4. The pressures of other aspects of marketing one's business will not affect the outsourcing SEO agency and can concentrate only on the search optimization of the client's website.
5. Faster execution of tasks with a team of people working on a client's website as opposed to one or two in-house experts is a trademark of outsourced SEO companies.

Outsourced SEO Cons
1. Outsourcing SEO may require one to oftentimes invest a little more money than one would, if a client were to do the SEO of their website in-house by themselves.
2. An outsourcing SEO company would need some time to get to know the client's business and the way they work. The agency would need to get used to working with that company.
3. With numerous clients, one cannot be sure of the time and focus that the outsourcing SEO company will be giving to the project. It may require constantly keeping check on the work done and on the progress of their client's website.
4. Some outsourcing SEO companies may use inexpensive and low-grade quality tools based SEO or black hat SEO techniques to get the results, contrary to what they promised the clients. Often, the client may have to get involved with the outsourcing SEO company's work to make sure such methods are not being used for their website.

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